Serving Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin Since 1997
Professional Chimney & Fireplace Services
As a family owned and operated business we are so thankful for the technicians who make the choice to join our team! They take pride in being some of the most educated and experienced technicians in the industry, while continuously furthering their education throughout their careers. They show up daily to provide honest and respectful service, the same quality they would want from another service provider in their homes. We foster friendly relationships with customers, as we hope to be welcomed back to service their fireplace and chimneys for years to come!
Masonry Repair
Chimney Rebuild, Tuckpointing,
Chimney Crowns, Waterproofing,
Flashing Repair/Replacement
Fireplace Repair
Chimney Relining,
Smoke Chamber Repair,
Firebox Repair & Rebuild
Fireplace Remodel
Refacing, Factory Built Fireplaces,
Gas Logs, Gas Inserts,
Wood Inserts, Wood Stoves,
New Construction
Repair & Service
Chimney Caps
Chasetop Replacement,
Chimney Caps, Chimney Dampers,
Chimney Pot Toppers
Chimney Cleaning
& Inspections
Chimney Cleaning & Inspection,
Mechanical Cleaning,
Chimney Fires
News & Updates
When it comes to ensuring the efficiency and safety of your home’s gas appliances and heating system, one of the best investments you can make is relining your appliance flue system with a stainless steel liner. These lining systems provide long-term benefits that enhance performance, improve safety, and can help extend the life of your appliances. Why Relining Your Appliance Flue is Essential Often, when homes are constructed, gas appliance chimney flues are constructed with terracotta clay flue tiles. While these flue tiles are a great option for new builds, over...