
Water is one of the most detrimental elements your chimney faces. Causing over a billion dollars in repair costs annually, it is important to protect and prevent damage to your masonry chimney. Moisture absorbed into the brick or stone can cause spalling, discoloration from efflorescence, and insulation and structural failure. When we repair or come into contact with a masonry chimney, we will recommend the masonry chimney to be waterproofed with a 100% vapor permeable, water-based, and environmentally friendly waterproofing agent. 

What To Expect: 

We use a water repellent vs. a sealant as we want the brick or stone to maintain its vapor permeability, allowing moisture to leave while preventing absorption at the exterior surface. Our waterproofing agent is a sprayable material, applied to the exterior of the chimney. The product goes on clear, however, it does not induce a sheen on the masonry. When water hits the surface of the chimney where waterproofing has been applied, the water will bead off of the chimney instead of absorbing into the porous masonry structure. 

ChimneySaver water repellent offers a 10 year sealant to the masonry structure, providing protection for many years to come! Waterproofing is recommended and required for our warranties on our masonry rebuild and tuckpointing projects. This ensures protection to the structure you have invested into repairing. While the manufacturer warranties their product for up to 10 years, we will often recommend reapplication towards the 8-9 year mark - in our experience, this warrants the best results. 

If you are looking to have your chimney waterproofed, but are not in need of masonry repairs at this time, we are happy to do so! The best steps in maintaining your masonry chimney is ensuring you are completing annual inspections and providing preventative maintenance to the brick/stone structure. 

Scheduling Your Waterproofing: 

Being a sprayable application, waterproofing can generally be completed within a single appointment window. We will occasionally recommend a second application, if applicable, which may require a return visit. Waterproofing is weather dependent - if we have received rain prior to, or if we are expecting rain the day/morning of, we will give a call to reschedule to our next available appointment window.